Yeah, why am I wrong? No. It's my vehicle. I pay for it. But the mean- but didn't say anything about removing yourself or the car you've damaged or lock. I haven't done. Wish you luck at all. You haven't touched me though. I haven't touched you. Look guilty. I didn't do that. I didn't do that really. I sit down, the song, the car on the nothing. I know I've lost my car. I've lost my heart. It's not that. It's not against the law. Sorry, isn't there's no. I don't care. That's where you want because you're doing this job. Yeah, well get yourself a more full job like a doctor or something. Out know what for those to walk. No, it's not. No, no, it's not. Is it criminal damage to my own car? Look at the clown. Is the veg to remove interview with um? I haven't touched the clam. I haven't touched the carpet removes that we were in camp remove. I removed the car. Remove five inches away. Stop filming me please. Yeah, why? Nothing. I'm just going if you're friend me me okay? This is threatening your managers. Go away. Stop filming me please. I'm entitled to film you as a public place. I'm in told to do whatever I like. Make any money on me. So you're going to phone the police? No, try it's fine. It's fine. Say all. Unfortunately, I disagree. Without law, I disagree because it's a taxation on the poor. Honestly, it's on Picon. We said this. Yes, no, not you. The other day. What's that? Yeah, and you want your 260 credit within a day? Yes, they couldn't afford to pay the tax. So I am NOT going to find 260 P. Are they sure it's on...
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Dvla sorn removal Form: What You Should Know
Car owners have a number plate on their vehicles that is unique (called plate numbers) which are used to determine if the vehicle is fit for driving on public roads.
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